About Astrojohn

I am a science geek! Interests Astronomy, Skiing, Philosophy, basically any form of technology including writing automation software for my observatory. I will also share this with others using the same EQMOD/Astroart tool set.


Orion Images added to downloads page!

Great book reviews

Many thanks to the reviewers!

My book is published!

Harrison Files by John Mallett

Buy Book click: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DJRFVWC5?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title

Lecture to Aylesbury AS

Many thanks to Aylesbury AS for using Astrospeakers.org. It was a good evening.

Mr John Mallett – Astro Speakers – Astro Speakers

Aurora over South of England

Amazing aurora over Selsey Observatory midnight on 10th May 2024. We are nearly at the peak of a sunspot cycle so watch out for more events.

Lecture to Chichester AS (South Downs) lots of questions.

The lecture on technical challenges of measurement in astronomy went well and loads of interesting questions. All started from the slow (15years) of looking for exoplanets round V470 Cam. Easily visible reduction in the errors over the time I have been making measurements. Some of the error reduction techniques I have used.

New Lecture on ‘Time’ went well.

Delivered to a great audience at the Farnborough Site (Cody AS). Mix of history, science, technical information and current research. Need to put it on Astrospeakers.org

New paper accepted by Royal Astronomical Society.

Now loaded on arXiv.org Cornell University Archive.

  1. arXiv:2206.06919  [pdfpsother]  astro-ph.SR astro-ph.EPEclipse timing variations in post-common envelope binaries: Are they a reliable indicator of circumbinary companions?
  2. Authors: D. PulleyI. D. SharpJ. MallettS. von Harrach
  3. Abstract: Post-common envelope binary systems evolve when matter is transferred from the primary star at a rate that cannot be accommodated by its secondary companion. A common envelope forms which is subsequently ejected resulting in a system with a binary period frequently between 2 and 3 hours. Where circumbinary companions are predicted, it remains unclear whether they form before or after the common en…
  4.  ▽ MoreSubmitted 14 June, 2022; originally announced June 2022.Comments: 16 pages, 8 figures, 7 binary systems and 163 observations

Astroart 8.0 is released!

Astroart 8.0 is now available from the MSB-Astroart.com

Many improvements and better accuracy in some functions.

All major cameras, telescopes, filter wheels and focusers are supported by Astroart. Updated plugins are released for free.

Astroart is also an open system with plug-ins and development kit for C++, C#, Pascal, Visual Basic. Fully compatible from Windows 10 to Windows XP. Compatible with WINE for image processing.

Now being used in Woodland Observatory.

Starlink is a pain!!

I have missed another night of binary star measurement due to interference from Starlink.