About Astrojohn

I am a science geek! Interests Astronomy, Skiing, Philosophy, basically any form of technology including writing automation software for my observatory. I will also share this with others using the same EQMOD/Astroart tool set.


Lecture to Aylesbury AS

Many thanks to Aylesbury AS for using Astrospeakers.org. It was a good evening.

Mr John Mallett – Astro Speakers – Astro Speakers

Aurora over South of England

Amazing aurora over Selsey Observatory midnight on 10th May 2024. We are nearly at the peak of a sunspot cycle so watch out for more events.

Next Lecture on Astrophotography

Bexhill 2nd May 2024 is ‘How do they get those pretty astronomy pictures’. Maybe I should get a batch of images together for those without telescopes?

Weather so bad!

Not only the odd leak in the observatory but my filter wheel stopped working. Reason the position sensing magnets had worn out… Yes magnets can wear out! But all fixed now thanks to the very prompt and precise advice from Starlight Xpress. Thanks Terry.

Lecture to Chichester AS (South Downs) lots of questions.

The lecture on technical challenges of measurement in astronomy went well and loads of interesting questions. All started from the slow (15years) of looking for exoplanets round V470 Cam. Easily visible reduction in the errors over the time I have been making measurements. Some of the error reduction techniques I have used.


New Lecture on ‘Time’ went well.

Delivered to a great audience at the Farnborough Site (Cody AS). Mix of history, science, technical information and current research. Need to put it on Astrospeakers.org

New paper accepted by Royal Astronomical Society.

Now loaded on arXiv.org Cornell University Archive.

arXiv:2206.06919 [pdf, ps, other] astro-ph.SR astro-ph.EPEclipse timing variations in post-common envelope binaries: Are they a reliable indicator of circumbinary companions?Authors: D. Pulley, I. D. Sharp, J. Mallett, S. von HarrachAbstract: Post-common envelope binary systems evolve when matter is transferred from the primary star at a rate that […]

Just one of the many technical challenges to Astronomy.

Living just south of Gatwick Airport in a dark sky area still has some challenges.

Trails of aircraft that get bigger and form clouds. […]

Astroart 8.0 is released!

Astroart 8.0 is now available from the MSB-Astroart.com

Many improvements and better accuracy in some functions.

All major cameras, telescopes, filter wheels and focusers are supported by Astroart. Updated plugins are released for free.

Astroart is also an open system with plug-ins and development kit for C++, C#, Pascal, Visual Basic. Fully compatible […]

Starlink is a pain!!

I have missed another night of binary star measurement due to interference from Starlink.